To help those most in need, VCAD students and staff gathered non-perishable items in December to donate to local food banks. As part of its annual Holiday Food Drive, the college is also providing a monetary donation.
Everyone at VCAD showed true holiday spirit by coming together to support those most in need. In B.C., more than 100,000 people receive help from food banks each month. Many of those recipients are children.
While people often donate during the holiday season, the need for support exists all year. If you’d like to make a donation, here are much-needed items:
- Pasta (canned or dry) and pasta sauces
- Canned and frozen meats and fish
- Meat alternatives – peanut butter, soy, and assorted nuts
- Canned goods – beans, soups, and stews
- Dairy – fresh, canned, and powdered milk
- Canned vegetables and fruit
- Whole grain cereals
- Infant foods and baby formula
- Bathroom tissue and diapers
- Personal hygiene products
- Financial donations to help food banks buy fresh foods, including milk, proteins, and produce
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