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Kinga Brassay Gallery Show - VCAD Calgary

PUBLISHED ON: June 17, 2019


Monday, June 24, 2019
6:00 PM

The Visual College of Art and Design (VCAD) of Calgary is pleased to invite you to our Kinga Brassay Gallery Show, on June 24th from 6-8pm.

Our inaugural artist, Kinga B. Brassay, will be speaking about her life journey — beginning in Transylvania — and her experience as a newcomer to Canada, settling in Alberta, and how that has helped to shape her artistic style.

From book illustrations to costume and jewellery design, and now acrylic painting, Kinga has a versatile background in the arts that reveal the many colours of her life, personality, and openness to new cultural scenes.

As an inspiring speaker and talented artist, Kinga’s art appeals to new and aspiring artists, art collectors, and those who appreciate Canadian art and culture.

Join us for an evening of art, lively discussions, and wine and cheese. A selection of Kinga’s art will be available for sale.

Please RSVP on our Eventbrite page by June 21st. We look forward to having you join us for this inspiring and interactive event!

VCAD Calgary
100 - 1035 7th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB
Monday, June 24, 2019

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