

Architectural Design Technology


A Tiny Residential House. Small and simple. The aim is to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Using Recycled Aggregate Concrete for the walls, made from demolition debris. Cellulose insulation is made of 85% recycled paper to keep heat inside the home, with an R-value of R-3-3.8 and it also deters pests. Multiple windows that allow for natural ventilation a...

A Tiny Residential House. Small and simple. The aim is to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Using Recycled Aggregate Concrete for the walls, made from demolition debris. Cellulose insulation is made of 85% recycled paper to keep heat inside the home, with an R-value of R-3-3.8 and it also deters pests. Multiple windows that allow for natural ventilation a...

A Tiny Residential House. Small and simple. The aim is to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Using Recycled Aggregate Concrete for the walls, made from demolition debris. Cellulose insulation is made of 85% recycled paper to keep heat inside the home, with an R-value of R-3-3.8 and it also deters pests. Multiple windows that allow for natural ventilation and natural light to flow into the space. Simple, small, and cozy.

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A Commercial Office with seven floors as work areas and the rooftop is a de-stress and unwind area. The building's facade is supposed to mimic a bunch of stacked books by "Alice Oseman" called "Hearstopper", which the building is designed and named after. It is to showcase that everyone—yes, everyone—is welcome and loved, regardless of their background or sexual or...

A Commercial Office with seven floors as work areas and the rooftop is a de-stress and unwind area. The building's facade is supposed to mimic a bunch of stacked books by "Alice Oseman" called "Hearstopper", which the building is designed and named after. It is to showcase that everyone—yes, everyone—is welcome and loved, regardless of their background or sexual or...

A Commercial Office with seven floors as work areas and the rooftop is a de-stress and unwind area. The building's facade is supposed to mimic a bunch of stacked books by "Alice Oseman" called "Hearstopper", which the building is designed and named after. It is to showcase that everyone—yes, everyone—is welcome and loved, regardless of their background or sexual orientation. To show representation not only for the LGTQIA+ community, but to show that it represents "love" for everyone and anyone!

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A student of Architectural Design Technology at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

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