

Marketing & Merchandising for Fashion with a Specialization in Marketing

Squares on Squares - Clothing Line

A student of Marketing & Merchandising for Fashion with a Specialization in Marketing at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Clarity Magazine

A student of Marketing & Merchandising for Fashion with a Specialization in Marketing at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Wilderness Chic Photoshoot

The inspiration for this photoshoot came along the same lines to me as my clothing collection did. I was in the midst of planning a camping trip but holding on to an admiration for classy and sophisticated clothing. I could not think of a better idea than to mix the two scenarios together. I dressed my model up in three classy and sophisticated outfits and we went...

The inspiration for this photoshoot came along the same lines to me as my clothing collection did. I was in the midst of planning a camping trip but holding on to an admiration for classy and sophisticated clothing. I could not think of a better idea than to mix the two scenarios together. I dressed my model up in three classy and sophisticated outfits and we went...

The inspiration for this photoshoot came along the same lines to me as my clothing collection did. I was in the midst of planning a camping trip but holding on to an admiration for classy and sophisticated clothing. I could not think of a better idea than to mix the two scenarios together. I dressed my model up in three classy and sophisticated outfits and we went to a forest to make these powerful shots happen.

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