

Graphic Design

Londinium Building

A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

Mello Bubbles

Mello bubbles is a natural winery, where they use fruits grown and harvested in British Columbia, Canada. Bottled without any added input. Each has its unique flavours from the different mixture of fruits that will give you slow and mellow happiness. The bottles have a different concept of “Ideas”. An idea can be about what’s about to happen or can be an idea...

Mello bubbles is a natural winery, where they use fruits grown and harvested in British Columbia, Canada. Bottled without any added input. Each has its unique flavours from the different mixture of fruits that will give you slow and mellow happiness. The bottles have a different concept of “Ideas”. An idea can be about what’s about to happen or can be an idea...

Mello bubbles is a natural winery, where they use fruits grown and harvested in British Columbia, Canada. Bottled without any added input. Each has its unique flavours from the different mixture of fruits that will give you slow and mellow happiness. The bottles have a different concept of “Ideas”. An idea can be about what’s about to happen or can be an idea of memories or imaginations that might be different from one another.

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Baton is an active-wear studio targeting active or wanna-be active people, either physically or mentally. The concept of Baton is a friendly community multi-shop involving exercises. Baton has different kinds of gears for everybody, regardless of where it is performed—indoor or outdoor. Each abstract shape of the logo represents various sports that are comb...

Baton is an active-wear studio targeting active or wanna-be active people, either physically or mentally. The concept of Baton is a friendly community multi-shop involving exercises. Baton has different kinds of gears for everybody, regardless of where it is performed—indoor or outdoor. Each abstract shape of the logo represents various sports that are comb...

Baton is an active-wear studio targeting active or wanna-be active people, either physically or mentally. The concept of Baton is a friendly community multi-shop involving exercises. Baton has different kinds of gears for everybody, regardless of where it is performed—indoor or outdoor. Each abstract shape of the logo represents various sports that are combined in one place.

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A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.


A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.

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