Vancouver Fashion

Week: October 7-13

Published: Thursday, 03 October 2019

Published: Thursday, 03 October 2019

A full seven days of buzz, excitement, and beautiful, unique garments: Vancouver Fashion Week is only four days away!

It’s an opportunity to view and admire the latest and greatest fashion in the city – maybe even the world.

With David Lam Hall’s doors opening on Monday, October 7, see a variety of renowned fashion designers and their collections.

Our very own VCAD graduate, Gundula Hirn, will be showcasing her original and thought-provoking bridal collection, under Gundula Couture, on the runway at 6:00pm on October 9th – make sure to check it out!

You can catch any of these local designers on the runway every day until Sunday, October 13.

Fall fashion has started – what are you waiting for?

David Lam Hall
50 E Pender Street, Vancouver BC

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