Trevor Gilbert Grindrod3D Modeling Animation Art and Design
Environment Modeling and Texturing project by Kodie
A dystopian environment with dieselpunk elements, modeled and textured from real life reference. Inspired by 2K Games Bioshock and Bethsedas Fallout series. https://www.artstation.com/kodietg3d h...
A dystopian environment with dieselpunk elements, modeled and textured from real life reference. Inspired by 2K Games Bioshock and Bethsedas Fallout series. https://www.artstation.com/kodietg3d h...
A dystopian environment with dieselpunk elements, modeled and textured from real life reference. Inspired by 2K Games Bioshock and Bethsedas Fallout series. https://www.artstation.com/kodietg3d https://www.linkedin.com/in/kodietg3d/
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