MagdalekGraphic Design
House of 8
Under the company name, House of 8 Graphic Design Studio by Lili Magdalek, she aims to create branding projects from the ground up, develop campaigns, and provide quality creative direction. Lili'...
Under the company name, House of 8 Graphic Design Studio by Lili Magdalek, she aims to create branding projects from the ground up, develop campaigns, and provide quality creative direction. Lili'...
Under the company name, House of 8 Graphic Design Studio by Lili Magdalek, she aims to create branding projects from the ground up, develop campaigns, and provide quality creative direction. Lili's passion and eye for design are used to design apps, websites, and on-site digital experiences. Lili's background in Business Management, targeted towards marketing, brings that element to projects. This whimsical, elegant logo represents her and her day-to-day life. Mom to four kids and a Navy wife, Lili is always gracefully busy like the octopus, but amongst all chaos, she makes things look good!
Groovy Ice Scones is a family project coming to life in the Summer of 2022! All the pieces have been set in motion for this massive project, from drafting designs, refinements, development of collate...
Groovy Ice Scones is a family project coming to life in the Summer of 2022! All the pieces have been set in motion for this massive project, from drafting designs, refinements, development of collate...
Groovy Ice Scones is a family project coming to life in the Summer of 2022! All the pieces have been set in motion for this massive project, from drafting designs, refinements, development of collateral and branding materials, brand identity, logo design, brand development, promotional materials, and an app! On a hot summer day, Lili wants to bring more than just delicious refreshing shaved ice cones to the Island of Victoria, so this company gives back to the community and promotes generosity. She will be donating 10% of ALL profits to the Victoria Cancer Centre as an act of paying it forward.
Art Illustrations
A student of Graphic Design at VCAD. Explore the projects of VCAD's talented alumni from below and get a first-hand look at their original work.
UI|UX CANNABIS INVESTORS PITCH APP PROJECT Cannabis product sales have doubled between 2019-2020, accounting in about $290 million in gross revenue. Based on my research of the Cannabis retailers...
UI|UX CANNABIS INVESTORS PITCH APP PROJECT Cannabis product sales have doubled between 2019-2020, accounting in about $290 million in gross revenue. Based on my research of the Cannabis retailers...
UI|UX CANNABIS INVESTORS PITCH APP PROJECT Cannabis product sales have doubled between 2019-2020, accounting in about $290 million in gross revenue. Based on my research of the Cannabis retailers in Victoria BC, and the current COVID situation, I am creating a platform that will work very much like skip the dishes, where customers can have their preferred Cannabis retailers in the palm of their hands. Its user experience follows like so: log in to the app, find your preferred store or the closest one to your location, complete a purchase and track the delivery right to your door. This will also allow growth opportunities to more of the retailers, showcasing their products, sales, promotions thus helping our economy thrive even further. More than creating the app, we will also hire a fleet of drivers for the deliveries, improving our local economy even more by creating more jobs.
Advertisements | Stationary | Photography | Packaging
A little showcase of some of my work. The photographs in these advertisements are my own, the little princess is my 4 yr old, the Bulova model is my husband and the wall portrait is me. "Pick a niche...
A little showcase of some of my work. The photographs in these advertisements are my own, the little princess is my 4 yr old, the Bulova model is my husband and the wall portrait is me. "Pick a niche...
A little showcase of some of my work. The photographs in these advertisements are my own, the little princess is my 4 yr old, the Bulova model is my husband and the wall portrait is me. "Pick a niche", I hear so often, and I probably will find one down the road, but so far, I am in love with the variety and how it challenges my creativity, further more, I am jumping into 3D animation.
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