WickensGraphic Design
A “JABBERJAW” is what you might become after too many espressos at the cafe or maybe too many rum and cokes at the Beach Bar next door. It is also slang for that friendly great white beast that is no...
A “JABBERJAW” is what you might become after too many espressos at the cafe or maybe too many rum and cokes at the Beach Bar next door. It is also slang for that friendly great white beast that is no...
A “JABBERJAW” is what you might become after too many espressos at the cafe or maybe too many rum and cokes at the Beach Bar next door. It is also slang for that friendly great white beast that is not as deadly as we’ve been lead to believe. The logo of this bar/cafe features this legendary creature towering over the waves in beautiful black and white, Art Deco styling, with type to match. Meanwhile, vibrant sea-foam green reminds us of the ocean as it adorns the lovely takeout packaging. Grab a pint glass and a couple of new shirts for the beach on your way out of this soon to be Tofino staple.
Slow Hand Beer
Slow Hand is a brand obsessed with the roots of brewing. Their beers are inspired heavily by the classics. One might even say they are stealing from the old world of brewing. Inspired by French crime...
Slow Hand is a brand obsessed with the roots of brewing. Their beers are inspired heavily by the classics. One might even say they are stealing from the old world of brewing. Inspired by French crime...
Slow Hand is a brand obsessed with the roots of brewing. Their beers are inspired heavily by the classics. One might even say they are stealing from the old world of brewing. Inspired by French crime movies, Alfred Hitchcock and none other than the Pink Panther himself, the Slow Hand brand acknowledges those old brews they are robbing ideas from with a wink and a tip of the hat. Mid-century colours and construction paper cutouts give the artwork the cheekiness required to acquit them of any and all theft charges placed against them.
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